Carbon Dioxide CO2, Volatile Organic Compound VOC, Particulate Matter Sensors & Air Flow Monitors


Icon for the air quality section. Dark gray

With our RHEASREG® air flow monitors and flow transmitters you have air, gas or liquid carrying lines under control. For reliable flow monitoring in fans, control dampers, heating coils and humidifiers. Our sensors have a patented multi-chamber duct tube and can display up to four measured variables.

Flow monitors & airflow monitors

RHEASGARD® flow sensors are suitable for monitoring or controlling air flows in ducts, on fans, control dampers, for flow-dependent monitoring of humidifiers and electric heating coils.

zwei Strömungswächtern auf dunkelgrauem hintergrund. Oben Rechts das Symbol für den Bereich Luftgüte

Our top products from flow monitors

two flow monitors for liquids on dark gray background. Top right the symbol for the air quality section

Flow monitors for liquid media

Our RHEASREG® flow monitors for liquid media serve as flow monitors or low-water protection, e.g. for pumps in oil and cooling circuits, refrigeration machines, evaporators, compressors and heat exchangers, in brass or stainless steel bodies.

Our top products from flow monitor for liquid media

Our versatile product accessories complete the product range and enable you to use our sensor devices easily and immediately.
For our flow monitors we offer you different devices for mounting.

Picture with mounting flange, stainless steel paddle or stainless steel flag on gray background, top right air quality symbol